Rose Garden

Deep red roses scattered across a fresh sunny back-ground and ribbons of soft green tying the whole thing up in a sweet and fresh bouquet. With a contrasting border to finish it all off and hold it together, this really is a very lovely quilt with a feeling of Summer and grand country houses, with curtains stirring in the breeze of an open latticed window.

Material: 100% cotton including filling

Size: 108X108"(270X270cm) approximately
Price: £149

Deep red roses scattered across a fresh sunny back-ground and ribbons of soft green tying the whole thing up in a sweet and fresh bouquet. With a contrasting border to finish it all off and hold it together, this really is a very lovely quilt with a feeling of Summer and grand country houses, with curtains stirring in the breeze of an open latticed window.

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barcode 5391245224418
Material 100% cotton including filling
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